Opening hours

Central libraries in Würzburg and Schweinfurt

Opening hours during the semester

Day Opening hours
Monday through Friday Schweinfurt and Würzburg 8:00-19:00. (in exam period Schweinfurt till 22:00)
Public holidays Libraries closed
The opening hours can be adjusted if necessary.
Both libraries open at 10:00 a.m. on the following days: 16.1., 13.2., 13.3., 17.4., 15.5., 12.6., 10.7.
Both libraries remain closed on 13.3.205

Reduced opening hours

During semester breaks from 15 February to 15 March and from 2 August to 30 September opening hours for the main libraries are reduced:

Monday to Friday:  10:00-16:00

The THWS Library is closed on public holidays.


Any questions? Feel free to contact us!

Schweinfurt: Phone +49 9721 640-6252 / E-Mail bib-sw[at]

Würzburg: Phone +49 931 3511-6242 / E-Mail bib-wue[at]

Payment of fees

University members can pay any fees with the THWS card at the circulation desks of the library. Please make sure that there is sufficent credit on the card.

External users must transfer all fees. You will find the details for this at the end of the fee notice. At your request, you can send us a suitable screenshot of the booking as proof for faster reactivation.



Branch Libraries


Branch library Sanderheinrichsleitenweg
Room I.2.11

Opening hours
Mon 14-18, Tue-Thu 10-18, Fri 10-14
On lecture-free days the branch
library stays closed.


The Branch Library for Logistics is in Konrad-Zuse-Straße 2, 97421 Schweinfurt, Room 20.1.25 (first floor)