Literature Search

Books, journals and other media within the THWS Library can be searched via the Library’s Catalogue. Among printed items, there are also e-books and e-journals available.

Items that are not available locally can be ordered via an interlibrary loan from another library; additionally, you can submit an acquisition request via the online form for us to buy the item, if possible.

Numerous databases of the THWS Library offer additional possibilities for in-depth research of literature, for example searching for essays.

With the Library’s possibilities you can also research norms, directives, and patents; for DIN standards, VDI directives and VDE regulation you have full-text access.

From within the THWS network you have full access to licensed e-resources. THWS members may also use e-resources from outside the THWS network by using the external access to licensed library materials.

For more information please refer to the Terms of Use for E-Resources.