Set up proxy: Android

  • Caution: the options may differ in appearance and naming depending on the manufacturer!
  • Open the settings on your device
  • Tap on "Network & Internet" --> WiFi
  • Click on the edit icon for your active Wi-Fi connection (or set up the connection if you are not yet connected)
  • Expand the "Advanced options"
  • You should see a "Proxy" field there. Set this to "Proxy Auto-Config"
  •  The "PAC URL" field appears. Enter the following address there:
  • Then confirm with "Save"
  • As soon as you access a web page with material licensed by the library, you will be prompted to enter the credentials of the external access. CAUTION: Here you must enter the access data from the e-mail, not your "regular" THWS login data. You can save the access data in your browser.