Redesign of the entrance area in Schweinfurt

Buildings and their interiors tend to become outdated quite quickly. In order to remain attractive, renovation measures are indispensable - for this reason, the entrance area of the library at the Schweinfurt campus was redesigned before the start of the winter semester 2022.

The library has been located in the "extension building" of the Schweinfurt campus since 1994. There were few visual highlights in the entrance area, the space was not used very functionally and the counter was also no longer designed for the current requirements of library staff. The demands of library users have also changed - a library should not only be a simple place for learning and working, it should much more embody the much-cited "third place", with a quality of stay even outside the intensive learning phases.

Therefore, the renovation should not only be about an attractive appearance, the library should also become more homely. For this purpose, a comfortable seating area or a couch was planned, which invite you to linger. The new high tables are ideal for quick research within our library collections. As a special visual highlight, a large photo wallpaper has also been installed in the newly designed entrance area: it shows the Waldsassen Abbey Library, a time-honoured room in the north-east Bavarian monastery. But does this historic-looking image even fit into a modern library? The head of the THWS library, Jens Renner, talked to Abbess M. Laetitia Fech OCist about these and other questions. You can see the interview in German below.

We hope you will like our refreshed library!

The remodeled entrance area...
...and the new lending desk

Interview on the cooperation between the THWS library and the Waldsassen Abbey library

The old lending desk in Schweinfurt
The entrance area before the redesign